A big thank you to volunteers Dawn Woodard and Leanne Converse for organizing the Christmas meal gathering at the Haines Senior Center! Although it’s new to my husband and me, these ladies have hosted the Christmas dinner for many years. This year, some two dozen friends old and new showed up to enjoy holiday company, bringing all the potluck fixin’s to go with the delicious turkey and ham Dawn and Leanne donated. It was a fun feast to make Christmas special!

I thought this would be a great time to put in a plug for the Senior Center in town. It supports many local services for the 60+ community in a borough-owned building on Mission Street, with funding from Catholic Community Services and others. It’s a comfy place for socializing M-F from 08:00-3:30, with games, TV and internet, a twice-monthly crafting group, a book club, and occasional evening cultural programs. Hot and nutritious lunches are offered Tues-Weds-Thurs for a donation, or delivered to home-bound seniors. Transportation to appointments, shopping, and the ferry is available for seniors and disabled citizens. The hall can be rented for events, and donations to support programs are welcome! For more information, contact the Senior Center at (907)766-2383 or [email protected].

Thanks again to the ladies who make sure seniors with no local family have a place to socialize on Christmas and enjoy a traditional holiday dinner!

Molly Sturdevant
