Ad rates for print:
Business Directory Ads (weekly or biweekly) – $17.50 per week
Display Ads (non-commissionable) – $15.50 per column inch
Inserts – $0.50 each
Non-Profit (must have current borough license) – $12.50 per column inch
Online Ads – Call/email for details
Paid Commentary/self written obit – $10.50 per column inch (CVN staff will write obits at no charge)
(Un)classifieds, commercial – $3.50 per line
(Un)classifieds, non-commercial – $0.25 per word
Annual/Seasonal contract and large ad discounts available.
The Chilkat Valley News is a weekly tabloid, printed on Thursdays, with average circulation of 1,200 per week. Primary distribution is in the Chilkat Valley, and also sold at newsstands in Juneau, with subscribers in Alaska and the continental US.
Print-ready files should be 300 dpi resolution and should be PDF or JPG format. We are happy to help with ad design at no charge. Our advertising deadline is 5 p.m. Monday for display ads and noon Tuesday for (un)classified ads.
Please ask about discounts for long-term, full-page, and half-page advertising.
For more information, please contact Chilkat Valley News by phone or email,
Phone: 907-766-2688
Email: [email protected]