The Alaska Federation of Fluffy Dogs has released its New Year’s resolution of being little furball cream puffs for the coming year. 

“I hereby boop my snoot to this resolution,” said Mister Twinklebutt in a packed room to loud barks, howls and yaps. The resolution was passed unanimously and certified by Twinklebutt, a six-year old Samoyed and president of AFFD. Resolution “K9>C@” went into effect on Jan. 1.

“We, as Alaskan Fluffy Dogs, are confident that the year ahead will be the poofiest yet,” said Bernese Mountain dog and longtime member Hairrison Furred. “I have always committed to being a giant furry stink-head, and aspire to continue the grand tradition.”

“I stink, therefore I am,” added Furred.

There was a brief discussion on the wording of “hair” versus “fur,” and the various meanings of “dinnertime” before the official booping ceremony.

The Alaska Federation of Fluffy Dogs was founded in 1898 for the advocacy of Alaskan canines whose area by volume is at least 60% hair. Mary Puppins, a Bichon Frise and treasurer, said that AFFD was critical for the protection of excess flufferation, and that the new resolution reflected that. “I think we had a good turnout, but I can’t see much through my forehead floof.”

Other notable members include the Secretary of Steak Sir Muffin Face the Chow Chow; The Head of Tails Frankenberry the Newfoundland; and Poopmaster General Yippidy-doo-Dah the Shetland.

There was only one hiccup during the voting process, when a shadow passed by the door and maybe the humans were back oh my god they’re back oh my god never thought they’d ever come back oh happy day they’re back awoooo.
