Monday, April 13

A construction worker reported he was in a lift that was stuck in the air on Main Street near Fifth Avenue. An officer who responded found the person’s coworkers had already helped. No injuries were reported.

Police served a protective order on a Haines resident.

Sunday, April 12

A person reported someone had used his boat at the Small Boat Harbor without permission. An officer initiated a case.

A caller reported an injured duck at the Small Boat Harbor. The American Bald Eagle Foundation was notified and responded.

A caller reported a fight outside a bar near Main Street and Second Avenue. An officer responded and found that one of the people involved had left the scene and the other was getting a ride home.

Saturday, April 11

A resident reported receiving a phone call from an unknown Juneau number. The person said it sounded like someone was on the line, but wouldn’t respond. An officer said to note the time and date of the calls and call back if there were three or more occurrences.

A caller reported a vehicle in the ditch on Fourth Avenue. An officer contacted the vehicle owner, who said she had fallen asleep at the wheel. No injuries were sustained, no alcohol was apparently involved, and the vehicle wasn’t seriously damaged. The officer provided the driver with accident reporting forms.

Friday, April 10

A school bus driver reported a white pick-up truck passed him on a double-yellow line on Small Tracts Road. This has been an on-going issue and the bus driver provided the truck’s license number. The license information was forwarded to an officer for follow-up.

A Barnett Drive resident reported theft of a battery charger valued at $100 from his garage. An officer responded and initiated a theft case.

Traffic stops resulted in warnings for speeding and failure to yield.

Thursday, April 9

A woman reported finding an intoxicated man sleeping in her car, which was parked outside of a bar on Front Street. She reported she was unable to wake the man. An officer responded, woke up the man and determined he had mistaken the caller’s car for a friend’s car. The man’s friends were contacted and came to help him.

Wednesday, April 8

An outbound traveler on the Haines Highway reported a big truck sped past her. As the caller was outside the townsite, she was referred to troopers.

A resident walking downtown reported a black pick-up truck with Canadian plates drove erratically and almost hit her. An officer located the vehicle and warned the driver for erratic driving.

Tuesday, April 7

No calls.
