We should give serious consideration to the potential of selling off the corner lot at Third and Main. We read about the borough’s financial crunch, the necessity of increasing cuts to the coffers of our nonprofit organizations, and our need to borrow from our borough’s $8 million permanent fund reserves. A few years ago we collectively agonized over the future of Picture Point, and whether the borough should invest our hard-earned tax dollars to preserve the most iconic view of Haines. Having realized the importance of making a good first impression on visitors, we created a great park for the enjoyment of all. This decision was clearly successful, as can be evidenced by the number of RVs and campers that set up to use this community space to enjoy an unparalleled view of town. How many public spaces do we need? The borough could use the revenue from the sale of the downtown lot and the expanded tax base of prime commercial property. We need to be able to fund the studies required by the assembly to perhaps make informed decisions on important issues such as whether helicopters make noise, whether or not to use pellet stoves, or a comprehensive downtown revitalization plan that includes a public space. We could use the extra money to establish a security system for the borough offices that would keep unwanted citizens from expressing their opinions. We need to think hard about where the money is coming from, and where it is needed.

Tom Ganner
