The Haines Woman’s Club has had another successful Pie Sale at this year’s Fourth of July celebration. Our special thanks go out to the Haines Brewery for the donation of their incredible root beer, and to Howsers for a great price on the ice cream for our root beer floats. I can’t say enough about the hard work put in by our members, their families and friends, who baked all the special pies and cheesecakes. They also worked the booth, helped set it up and cleaned up with the help of several of their husbands. Then there are those of you out there who bought every single piece of pie and drank every float. Without you, where would we be? Because of all this hard work, the club is able to donate $800 apiece to Becky’s Place Haven of Hope and the Uglys’ Cancer Fund. See you next year!
Susan Johnston
Pie Sale Chair, Haines Woman’s Club