Gina Jamison, sister of Alison Jacobson, came to Haines last week from Snohomish, Wash., to watch nieces Anna and Libby Jacobson at their last home volleyball games of the season. Gina, whose own daughters played high school volleyball, was impressed with the team’s skill. Alison and son Ketch are back from a trip to their farm near Fort Benton, Mont., where Ketch bagged his first mule deer. He was hunting with Alison and dad Glen, when they spotted the buck at first light. Ketch dropped the deer from 400 yards with one shot. The five-point buck was the biggest Alison has seen on their land, and she said it was an exhilarating experience. “It was so cool to be there with him. I’m really proud.” Glen will return with the processed meat soon, including salami Ketch requested for his lunchbox.

Patty Campbell had a full house over the weekend. Her son Cole Glackin; his wife Catherine Glackin; and their five children; Kala NorthcutCoxErica CoxJazmine Jeffres GlackinAlexander Glackin and Autumn Glackin are relocating from Fort Richardson to Fort Benning, Ga. Cole was an Army recruiter in Anchorage and Catherine is a dental hygienist and a member of the National Guard. Catherine’s mother, Pam Northcut, traveled from Juneau to spend time with the family in Haines. Catherine’s friend Angie Binkley also traveled up from Juneau, and brought her four-year-old granddaughter, Catherine’s goddaughter, Cheyenne Herline. Patty lead a crew of 11 hikers and four dogs on the Battery Point trail Sunday. They also swam in the pool, played at Tlingit Park, visited the American Bald Eagle Foundation and drove up the highway to view eagles.

Pam Randles is healing from full knee replacement surgery she underwent in Juneau earlier this month. Her granddaughter, Gina Randles, flew down from Talkeetna to help out following the surgery, and spent a week here with Pam. Gina is living in Talkeetna and recently organized a book festival attended by Alaska authors. Pam has been taking it easy during her healing but has enjoyed visiting with Michael Vaughn, a friend she met in Talkeetna in the 1970s. Pam is impressed with how many pieces of recycled equipment she’s been able to use during her recovery. The walker she used first belonged to Bill Aronson and was passed on to Nicole Studley. When she was ready, Pam passed it to Tim Maust, who is undergoing the same surgery. The Elks Lodge and SAIL, Southeast Alaska Independent Living, both will take used medical devices in good condition and pass them along to those who need them. Pam’s looking forward to seeing daughter Amanda Randles, who is coming to Haines with the Denali Drama Troupe next week for the Lynn Canal Community Players improvisation workshop. It’s not too late to sign up for the workshop, which will culminate in a performance Saturday, Nov. 5 at the Chilkat Center. Call Annette Smith at 766-2708 for information.

The third issue of Glacial Misbehavior, Debi Knight Kennedy’s self-published zine, is available around Haines. The Fall 2011 issue has branched out to include a short story from Beverly Schupp. Debi accepts submissions on a rolling basis and is hosting an “unruly contest” for writers. The chosen entry will receive a secret prize. Pieces shouldn’t exceed 500 words but as Debi will tell you, “there are no real rules.” The current issue includes the third installment of Debi’s memoir, “Finding My Way Home,” as well as a tribute to her dog Shorty, who died this past summer.

Monday, Oct. 31 is the last day to submit a proposal to the Sheldon Museum for their 2012 six-week Spotlight Series. Call Jerrie Clarke at 766-2366 for more information.

Artist and craftsman Rob Goldberg is fashioning guitar and cello tops from two old-growth Sitka Spruce trees he bought from Stuart DeWitt. The smaller of the two trees measures 40 inches in diameter and was 400 years old. The larger log measures 48 inches in diameter and about 490 years old. Old growth Sitka spruce are highly valued as “music wood” due to the tightness of its grain and the long fibers in the wood which give the finished pieces a superior vibrating quality. Rob has kept his eye out in Haines for suitable instrument-quality logs for 25 years, but these are the first two he has found that were just right. Rob cut the logs into two-foot-long rounds for guitar tops and four-foot long rounds for cello tops before carefully hand-splitting the rounds. Rob is working on his first instrument from the local logs, a cello for Beth MacCready.
