Monday, Feb. 3

     An anonymous caller reported a man sought to buy narcotics from him. Officers were advised.

   A caller reported a person driving an ATV recklessly in the Young Road area. Police located a 15-year-old boy operating an ATV in the area and conducted a traffic stop. The boy’s mother was notified. Officers provided education to the boy about the operation of ATVs in the borough.

  A traffic stop resulted in a warning for driving without a valid license.

Sunday, Feb. 2

    A caller reported a fuel sheen off a float at the Small Boat Harbor. The harbormaster was advised.

Saturday, Feb. 1

  Police received a missing person report from a Whitehorse resident, who called to report her granddaughters had left for Haines the previous evening and hadn’t yet contacted her to say they arrived. Troopers and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police were advised. Investigation revealed the granddaughters had not yet departed from Whitehorse.

   A traffic stop resulted in a citation for failure to carry proof of insurance and a warning for speeding.

Friday, Jan. 31

     A Front Street resident reported loud noises in the neighborhood. Police responded and found a group of people having a bonfire on the beach. The people were quiet at the time of contact, so police provided education about noise disturbance laws.

   A caller reported a woman firing a gun near a trailer on Fourth Avenue. Police responded and contacted the woman, who admitted to firing a pistol into the ground behind her trailer. Officers removed all weapons from the residence and initiated a case for fourth-degree misconduct involving weapons.

Thursday, Jan. 30

   A caller reported receiving harassing text messages from a family member in another state. Police provided contact information for a law enforcement agency in the other state.

   A person reported seeing heavy black smoke coming from a fire in the Major Road area. Investigation revealed a resident was burning construction materials that contained items which can’t be legally burned. Police issued a warning.

    A person reported an argument at a downtown bar. An officer responded and contacted the two men involved. Investigation revealed no crime was committed and the men were separated.

Wednesday, Jan. 29

  Police received civil papers regarding a property foreclosure to be served on a Haines resident.

  Police received a protective order to be served on a Haines woman who is returning to Haines after serving a sentence in a correctional facility.

   A caller reported seeing a suspicious person on her property in the Young Road area. Police investigated and found no signs of trespassing.

Tuesday, Jan. 28

    An anonymous caller reported vehicles driving too fast in the school zone on the Old Haines Highway. Police responded to patrol the area but did not see any violations.

   A caller reported extremely icy conditions on the Haines Highway from Klukwan to the Canadian border. State road crews were advised.

    Dispatch received 11 medical calls and four canine calls. 
