It’s interesting that police chief Heath Scott has chosen to expand his role to include expertise in journalism (“Police Blotter Blues,” CVN, Nov. 10, 2016). It is, however, unclear what credentials the chief possesses that qualify him to gauge what is or is not a “red herring” and what is “significant” police activity worthy of publication. One might also ask: Does it cut both ways? Will he invite the CVN editor to make the call on what is or is not worthy of law enforcement activity in Haines? No – and nor should he. Chief Scott says, “I want the community to be the judge” of what kind of information gets shared with the public about Haines Police. Well, as a former Haines resident who still maintains close ties to the place (note: “community” is a very broad term), let me weigh in. You do your job, chief Scott. Let other professionals do theirs. I am certain that you have the best of intentions. But the police really have no business applying value judgments to information beyond the question of whether its release might jeopardize public safety or other legitimate concerns. Unless, of course, the police have something to hide. Which I presume you do not. So, please, stop censoring non-critical information that many people find important, interesting or just plain fun. You will only look more trustworthy when you do.
Mario Juarez
Seattle, Wash.