The Haines Sheldon Museum was awarded a number of grants in the past two months, and we would like to thank our generous benefactors.

The Chilkat Valley Community Foundation gave us $1,000 to purchase Plexiglas vitrines to protect our displays for our Safe Exhibits initiative.

The Alaska State Museum’s Grant-In-Aid provided $5,995 for us to purchase a 44-inch giclee quality Epson printer that will print on paper and vinyl. This replaces our 24-inch printer that recently stopped working. It will provide us the means to create more dynamic visuals for exhibits and marketing, including producing banners.

Museums Alaska’s Collections Management Fund provided $7,722 for our Collections Inventory Project. It will pay for a consultant to train staff in collections inventory techniques and for an intern to assist staff for three months at the start of 2017. Our goal is to ensure the stored collection is accurately referenced in our database.

Museums Alaska’s Art Acquisitions Fund provided $9,225 for us to purchase a Donna Cattoti pastel “At the Cove – Past and Present” and 15 puppets from members of Gepetto’s Junkyard (Gene and Debi Kennedy, Joe Jacobson, Merrick Bochart, and Sarah Cohen Bishop). These will become part of the Chilkat Valley Experience exhibit in the new children’s discovery room.

Both Museums Alaska’s grants are funded by the Rasmuson Foundation.

Thank you so much. Because of your generosity we are able to be part of the high quality of life that makes living in Haines so wonderful.

Helen Alten

Director, Haines Sheldon Museum
