Tuesday, April 23

State road crews were advised of rocks in the roadway at 2 Mile Lutak Road.

A civil packet was served.

A caller reported a fraudulent email generated in his name. Police are investigating.

A caller reported seeing a felon in possession of a firearm. An officer confirmed the report and advised the appropriate federal agency.

A resident called 911 to report a snowmachine accident with injuries in the Kelsall River drainage. Troopers and ambulance crews responded and the victim was transported to the ambulance.

Police told a caller who reported locking his keys inside his vehicle that police cannot respond to lockouts, but two local businesses could assist.

Police in Juneau inquired about conditions of release for a Haines man who had been apprehended in Juneau at a bar fight.

Monday, April 22

Barnett Drive was reported closed for a few hours for road work.

A person anonymously reported a driver ordered by the court to drive with an ignition interlock device was driving without one.

A caller reported a possible safety hazard for a residence due to an “unusual situation regarding insects.”

Dispatch received multiple complaints about a helicopter landing and gunfire in the Mosquito Lake area.

Sunday, April 21

Police assisted in returning a horse to its paddock on the Haines Highway.

A caller reported a burn barrel fire had gotten out of hand. Fire personnel responded, but the fire had already been contained.

An out-of-state caller sought help locating relatives in violation of custody orders. Police advised it was a civil matter.

Police removed rocks from Lutak Road.

A business owner reported RVs camping at pullouts around town.

Police observed an unusual person removing items from a local business yard and are investigating.

A traffic stop resulted in a verbal warning for speeding.

Saturday, April 20

An officer responded to a complaint of children skateboarding on a hill on Lutak Road.

Troopers were unavailable to respond to a report of a reckless driver driving outbound on the Haines Highway. A license plate number was provided.

A person requested assistance with a vehicle stuck on Mount Riley Road.

Troopers were advised of a Mosquito Lake resident reporting gunfire near an area lodge. The gunfire had been reported previously.

A caller reported a beeping noise coming from a vacant house on Third Avenue. An officer determined it was a malfunctioning smoke detector.

Friday, April 19

 A caller reported a disabled vehicle partially blocking the outbound lane of the Haines Highway near the airport.  An officer located the unoccupied vehicle and pushed it off the highway.

The Haines Animal Rescue Kennel was advised of an aggressive dog on school grounds. HARK contacted the owner.

A caller reported she was receiving unwanted text messages from a person. Police advised she seek a protective order from the court.

Police and troopers responded to the Mosquito Lake area after a caller reported an intoxicated man discharging a firearm in a residence and threatening others. Investigation revealed the man committed assault and misconduct involving weapons, and he was arrested.

A resident complained a van was idling in an alley for a long time. The owner of the van secured the vehicle.

Thursday, April 18

A caller requested assistance contacting the relatives of an elderly, disoriented woman who had been wandering around outside the caller’s home. The caller’s husband escorted the woman home and relatives were contacted.

A Mosquito Lake resident reported fireworks going off for an hour after 1 a.m. and said this was an ongoing disturbance.

Police assisted a man with a writ of assistance in retrieving belongings.

Wednesday, April 17

A caller in the Skyline Drive area reported a box with a red flashing light. Public works was advised.

Dispatch received 13 medical calls and three canine calls.
