Your interpretation of my borough assembly motion to lay discussion of nonprofit funding on the table was incorrect. On the other hand, my motion was incorrectly made so we are even.
First, I made the motion to lay the non-profit funding on the table for three months because I was afraid the main motion would fail. If that had happened, the likelihood of it being revived was slim. So, by laying it on the table, there is time to gather relevant information to support the passage of the motion when it is brought up again.
Your article said it would not be considered for at least three months. Wrong! It could have been taken from the table in the same meeting if someone had so moved.
The reason my motion was incorrect was because a motion to lay on the table for any specified time is not allowed. Such a motion is really a motion to postpone and that can be debated. I just didn’t know that at the time.
Because the borough’s budget included certain funds that were destined for the nonprofits, they (the nonprofits) had reason to believe they would receive some or all of that money this year. It will cause us to have an even larger budget deficit but the time to debate that was during the budget process, not now. Unless something drastic and highly unlikely happens with the price of oil, I would not feel it proper to fund nonprofits next year.
Mike Case