Monday, May 4
A caller reported possible neglect of an animal at a household on FAA Road. The Haines Animal Rescue Kennel was advised.
Police received a 911 call for a wound to the hand, but the caller did not want an ambulance.
Sunday, May 3
A Mud Bay Road resident reported a four-wheeler illegally using the Chilkat River beach. An officer was notified.
A traveler on Mud Bay Road called dispatch on behalf of a motorcyclist stranded near Chilkat State Park. The motorcyclist needed a ride back to town. A taxi was contacted to pick up the motorcyclist.
A Small Tracts Road resident reported a person walking toward town who was yelling threatening remarks at houses and passing cars. An officer contacted the man and told him to stop.
A Mud Bay Road resident came to the station to report her husband was arguing with her about custody of their children. An officer responded and determined the children weren’t in danger and no crime had been committed. The parties were given contact information for family crisis resources.
A 911 caller said he was trying to contact Haines City, Fla.
Saturday, May 2
A resident living near 34 Mile Haines Highway reported a brush fire near 33.5 Mile. Klehini Valley Fire Department volunteers responded and put out the fire. Troopers were also notified.
Friday, May 1
Police received a report of white and gray smoke in the area of FAA and Small Tracts roads. Fire department personnel responded but were unable to locate the source of the fire. The smoke had started to diminish, and fire department personnel said they would look into it again if the smoke continued.
A caller reported a vehicle parked in a handicap zone on Main Street. An officer responded and contacted the vehicle owner, who had a handicap permit.
A Fourth Avenue resident reported a problem with her child following directions. An officer spoke with the caller and told her police are unable to intervene unless there is a safety issue.
Thursday, April 30
A caller reported a loud vehicle and people talking outside of a bar on Main Street. An officer responded, but those creating the disturbance had left.
Wednesday, April 29
A person living in the area of Major Road reported tools worth more than $5,000 were taken from his garage. A case was initiated and assigned to an officer.
An officer reported an unsecured door at a business off Beach Road. The responsible party was notified.
A Deishu Drive resident reported she was unable to make contact with a man to whom she loaned $20. She was advised this was a civil matter and she would have to contact the court if she didn’t receive her money.
A 27 Mile Haines Highway resident reported receiving a fraudulent phone call about winning a trip on a cruise ship. An officer was advised.
Tuesday, April 28
An officer tried to contact a man camping illegally off Lutak Road near the ferry terminal. The camper had been in the area since April 15. The officer eventually contacted the man and told him to leave the site. The man said he would.
A Mud Bay Road resident reported someone on his property. It was determined the caller didn’t have an ongoing emergency. Troopers were notified.