Monday, April 20
A resident living near Third Avenue reported receiving two calls from an 800 number. The caller asked for personal identifying information, which she did not provide.
A caller reported a violation of a protective order had occurred. An officer requested a statement from the caller about the time and circumstances, but didn’t receive any details.
A person reported seeing a car hit a moose near 7 Mile Haines Highway. The moose got up and ran into the woods. The driver who hit the moose also called and provided contact information. The vehicle was undamaged. Troopers were advised.
Sunday, April 19
A 911 caller reported a missing motorist outside of the townsite. Troopers and an officer were notified. The person called back later to report the traveler had returned home.
Saturday, April 18
A person reported a German shepherd bit his ankle while he was jogging down Second Avenue. Dispatch then received a call from the dog owner who stated his dog didn’t bite the man. The Haines Animal Rescue Kennel and officers were advised. The jogger later called to report the dog owner was harassing him and cursing at him. Police initiated a case.
A business owner near the intersection of Main Street and Front Street reported damage to the front of his building. An officer responded and spoke with employees. Two support posts near the front door had been knocked out of place. Damage was estimated at $300. Police initiated a case.
Friday, April 17
A Fort Seward area resident reported being harassed by a repeat caller. An officer attempted to contact the caller, but no one was home.
Police completed service on a civil packet received from the court.
Thursday, April 16
A motorist reported a downed tree blocking the outgoing lane on Small Tracts Road. State road crews responded.
Police received a domestic violence protection order from the court.
A person reported being locked out of her vehicle parked in the Fort Seward area. An officer responded and found the caller had unlocked the vehicle.
Wednesday, April 15
A caller reported a fuel truck on Main Street was parked slightly outside the white line. An officer was advised.
Tuesday, April 14
A person reported illegal dumping of household items in the Chilkat River near 4 Mile Haines Highway. Troopers were advised.