The Haines Borough Assembly last week approved $328,399 for replacement of the Haines High School gym floor.

North Pacific Erectors of Juneau submitted the low bid.

The project, to be completed during summer break, will include removal of the existing wood gymnasium floor, abatement of asbestos containing material in the floor assembly, replacement of the bleachers, and installation of a wood athletic floor system with a spring-like subfloor.

The Haines Borough School District received a $250,000 legislative grant for the work last year. It’s expecting to receive another $250,000 approved last week by the Alaska Legislature.

Northern Economics will provide consulting services for the first phase of a Haines port development plan.

The Haines Port Development Steering Committee recommended Northern Economics after the borough received four responses to a request for qualifications to guide the plan. The assembly on April 10 awarded a $43,550 contract to Northern Economics for the work that will include a competitive assessment of Haines and other ports and an evaluation of potential demand.

According to the scope of work prepared by Northern Economics, the timeline for phase one is about six months, with findings presented to the steering committee in July and a final report completed by the end of September.

The resolution the assembly approved last week said future phases would follow if results “are positive and further planning efforts are warranted.”

The borough received a $120,000 legislative appropriation to support the planning effort.

About a dozen residents attended the local Democratic Party caucus on Saturday and selected six delegates to next month’s statewide convention in Fairbanks.

“It was the swan song for House District 5,” said Deborah Vogt, party chair for the district. “We teleconferenced with Cordova and Gustavus, both of which will be in a different district from us if the proposed plan that goes in front of the court is approved.”

Delegates include Vogt, Della Brouillette, Ellen Carey-Starr, Merrill Lowden, Kathleen Menke and Mike Van Note. Vogt noted up to four more delegates from the district might be appointed.

The registered Democrats at the Senior Center on Saturday also did a “fan out” to measure support for President Barack Obama in the November general election. Vogt said there was one uncommitted voter, who “wanted to make the point that there are some things that we maybe thought Obama was going to do that he didn’t do yet.”

The Presidential Preference Poll of local Republicans in March drew 39 residents, and Mitt Romney won with 15 votes. The Republicans made their choice as part of the new House District #34 that includes Sitka and Prince of Wales Island.
