I have to say to our people that June 25th was quite the day. I attended the Sealaska Annual Meeting and I was impressed and smiling. I met friends, relatives and above all the board of Sealaska. We had good tales and jokes and the respect for who we are. Our culture is based on respect. It was sad, though, most of our people never came, even some of our ANB, ANS and IRA. Why? What I heard that day was it is we who must take care of ourselves, young ones and especially our elders who taught us what we know. They are our treasures. We must protect our culture and heritage. It’s fine time we take back our ANB and ANS, IRA and culture camp. It belongs to us, not them. I know I’m right. I helped build the ANB/ANS hall and culture camp and was proud then, but I’m still proud for who I am.

Phillip Jackson
