Bill Annis was looking for ways to mark the memorable date of 1-11-11 in Haines, but crashing his bike was not what he had in mind. Bill was headed for his night shift at KHNS when he hit black ice. He was pinned under his bike untilneighbor Robyn Schmitz called the ambulance. An X-ray showed he’d fractured the head of his femur, one of three bones previously broken in a childhood accident. Surgery in Juneau entailed a “hemi-hip” replacement. Following six days of recovery in Juneau, Bill went to the Cordova Community Medical Center for advanced rehabilitation. You can send Bill your good wishes at CCMC, P.O. Box 160, Cordova AK 99574.
Friends following the travels of Melina Shields are happy to have her home after her three and a half month road trip where she logged 8,000 road miles. Melina headed to northern California to catch up with Bruce Blake and Sarana Miller. They attended Glide Memorial Church, where Bruce sings in the choir. Later Melina spent time in Moab hiking with a friend and catching up with Deanna Stout and Lisa Derees. Melina had her first unexpected Haines sighting in Flagstaff when she bumped into Bohzi Sebens with parents Tod and Margaret Sebens, who are spending a year traveling together in their RV. In Flagstaff, Melina picked up friend Bryan White, who recently completed his registered nurse license and was searching for a hospital position. They had breakfast with Nelbert Niemi and former resident Cara Lawrence before heading to Albuquerque and on to Austin, Tex. They were self-described Christy Hays groupies in Austin, attending shows by the singer/songwriter and former resident. They also saw summer resident Ryan Parker. Melina left for Sahuarita, Ariz., south of Tucson, to spend Christmas with Ken and Nancy Seright at their home. From Arizona, Melina headed to Hermosa Beach, Calif. to catch up with Lisa Loberg and celebrate the New Year. She was surprised to find herself caught in a snowstorm that shut down the interstate but managed to make it to Half Moon Bay for dinner with Kris and Lindy Jones. Back in Berkeley, Melina saw Marian Cunningham and was surprised to spy Coral Jacobson walking down the street. With Bruce and Sarana, the four enjoyed a hike together in the Berkeley Hills. Before she headed north on the ferry Melina caught up with Scot Nichols and Coleus Taylor in Bellingham and was treated to dinner at the Nooksack River Casino by Haines fishermen Gary Graham, Dennis Gudmundson, Skipper Sparks and Skagway’s Mark Saldi. She also teamed up with Norman Hughes for a day of skiing at Mount Baker. Brother Darren Shields, back from his own road trip that took him across the country and more than 20,000 road miles, met up with Melina in Bellingham to share the ferry ride home to Haines.
The second-and third-grade classes are fundraising for a group trip to Juneau to study the extreme low tides in mid-May. The trip will be a culmination of an Alaska Seas unit that will include field trips to local beaches to study the animals, seaweed and subsistence opportunities around Haines. Juneau beaches afford students an opportunity to observe a diversity of marine life not easily seen in Haines. Second-grade teacher Jeanne Kitayama said past classes have been excited to see what they studied coming to reality. The cost of the trip includes a chartered tour boat, which allows the young students to make a day-trip. In all, the classes must raise $2,600 for the expedition. Christopher Haxton’s third-grade class is preparing for their second silent dessert auction Friday evening outside the gym during the girls’ basketball games. If you’d like to donate a dessert item, contact Haxton at 766-6708. The second grade is planning a take-out curry night in early March spearheaded by gourmet cooking teacher and second-grade parent Lilly Boron.
Third-grade parent Leslie Evenden and school counselor Lindsay Moore traveled to Juneau over the weekend to take part in the Girls on the Run training program sponsored by AWARE. The two, along with first-grade teacher Akela Silkman, will coach the Haines Girls on the Run program starting in mid-February. The 12-week offering for girls in grades 3-5 focuses on positive self-image and body awareness while promoting physical fitness and culminates in a 5K celebratory run in May. This is the third year of the Haines program, which was previously coached by Eliza Lende, Patty Brown and Liana Shull. Full scholarships are available for any participant that indicates a need on the enrollment form, no questions asked. Girls may wear their own running shoes, or may receive a free pair through the program, along with a water bottle. Lindsay hopes to expand the program in the fall to include a pilot program for girls in grades 6-8 and a boys’ program for grades 4-6. She is looking for volunteer coaches.
Concerned residents will be happy to know that Sheldon Museum Director Jerrie Clarke, who is in Egypt performing archeological research, is safe. Museum staffer Blythe Carter said many people have called to ask after her safety during the widespread demonstrations across Egypt. Jerrie is working in Abydos, about 330 miles from Cairo, where there are no protests and work is continuing as usual. She expects to return in late February.
Greg Schlachter and Daymond Hoffman joined a Juneau team to compete in an “old-timer” men’s ice hockey tournament last weekend in Haines Junction, Y.T. Schlachter averaged about a goal a game, Hoffman said. He said the games were a big departure from ones on a makeshift rink in Haines, with a lot more beer and cigarettes. “Playing hockey in Haines Junction is like playing soccer in South America. You really get into the culture of it.”
