It’s looking like a lopsided race for two open seats on the Haines Borough Assembly. Following Tuesday’s filing deadline for candidates, incumbent assemblyman Steve Vick will face challengers Linda Geise and John Winge, while newcomer Greg Goodman will run uncontested for an assembly seat formerly held by Norm Smith. For the borough school board, there is one contested race. Sean […]
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Winge, Goodman seek assembly
Thinking about serving on the borough or school board? The filing deadline for candidates is 5 p.m. Tuesday. Required forms are available at the borough office, Third Avenue and Willard Street. Tire shop operator John Winge and former borough police chief Greg Goodman were certified as assembly candidates recently. Winge is seeking a three-year seat currently […]
Election season opens Geise seeks assembly seat
Two seats on the Haines Borough Assembly and three on the school board are up for grabs in the Oct. 5 municipal election. The candidate filing period for local office opened Monday and closes 5 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 24. Candidate packets are available on the borough’s website and at the borough administration building on Third Avenue. Eligible candidates must […]
Have to leave to breathe dust-free air
During the Dust Bowl of 1935, approximately 7,000 people died of brown lung. In the “dust bowl” of 2010, what will the tally be? Paved roads don’t bring money into town, according to Steve Vick, but to get some clean, fresh air, you’re going to have to leave town. Enjoy the trip, spend some money out […]
Assembly tempers talk on non-profits
The Haines Borough Assembly voted Tuesday to fund hazardous waste collection for local businesses on a limited, trial basis and to increase grants to local organizations to $100,000. That’s down from $118,500 requested but up from $82,000 that will be spent in the current year. The decision on local grants won’t be final until the borough budget […]
Assembly debates annual grants to non-profits
The Haines Borough Assembly May 25 is slated to adopt its $11 million operating and capital budget, and will consider amending it to include as much as $118,000 in grant requests from community organizations. During discussion at a budget workshop May 11, some assembly members said community organizations on the list provided valuable services in town, but […]
Hill breaks tie, rejects raises for borough leaders
The Haines Borough Assembly May 11 voted 4-3 against giving themselves a $50 per meeting raise, with a $500 per month raise for the mayor. Under the proposed plan, assembly members also would have been compensated $50 for budget committee workshops required each year. Mayor Jan Hill cast the tie-breaking vote. She voted the raise down because she felt […]
Amounts matter; Haines is unique
I’ve lived in Fairbanks 10 years and am in what may be a long process sorting out moving to Haines. I have subscribed to CVN since last August. I saw that Steve Vick was going to trade life in Haines for a job in Fairbanks, and kind of cringed. Two issues later I saw that he’s staying and […]
Election rule change fuels assembly spat
The Haines Borough Assembly last week tangled over a draft ordinance revising local election laws, sending the proposed law to its government services committee for review after a heated discussion. The borough is seeking to clarify its election rules in the wake of a successful lawsuit brought by voters last fall that overturned results of an election […]
Assembly OKs 10K pay hike for harbormaster
The Haines Borough Assembly Friday May 7 gave the borough manager the go-ahead to increase harbormaster pay by up to $10,000 to attract the borough’s top candidate, currently harbormaster in Whittier. The borough budgeted $58,000 in wages for the harbormaster position this year, up from $55,000 it paid former harbormaster Christian Racich. The assembly’s okay gives borough […]