Posted inThis Week in History

This Week in History: Late waking bears, a predicted population boom in Haines, Don Young weighs in 50 years ago

10 years ago, July 3, 2014 Bruins Not Around Yet Got brown bears? If you do, you may be the exception, as wildlife officials and residents say the numbers of bruins typically spotted around town and at the Chilkoot River are down from previous years. “It’s slow,” said wildlife trooper Ken VanSpronsen, a three-year resident. […]

Posted inDuly Noted

Duly Noted

Carol Iverson of Salem, Ore., was in town last week, visiting brother Don Hartmann and catching up with friends. Former schoolmates she visited included Chris Martin, Norm Smith, Elaine Pigott, Sharon Svenson and Joyce Thomas. A retired teacher, Carol graduated from Haines High School in 1967 with 10 other seniors. Her visit here was a side trip from one to Juneau to […]

Posted inNews, Alaska Marine Highway System, Haines Borough

Assembly Briefs

Mayor Douglas Olerud will compose a letter pending assembly approval that will be sent to Gov. Michael Dunleavy with questions about the state’s plan to potentially build a ferry terminal at Cascade Point. The Alaska Department of Transportation issued a memorandum of understanding with Goldbelt in March for the Alaska Native corporation to evaluate feasibility […]

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Assembly narrowly fires manager: mayor breaks tie

The Haines Borough Assembly voted Tuesday evening to fire borough manager Debra Schnabel without cause, with Mayor Jan Hill breaking a 3-3 tie vote. Assembly member Jerry Lapp, Stephanie Scott and Zephyr Sincerny were opposed to the motion to fire Schnabel while members Paul Rogers, Brenda Josephson, Gabe Thomas and Jan Hill voted in support. The assembly met in executive session with its attorney for more than […]

Posted inThis Week in History

This Week in History

March 3, 1969 Archive news from 50-ish, 25 and 10 years ago. Industrial expansion will hit Haines by September. John Schnabel announced this weekend his Schnabel Lumber Company will add a veneer plant to the mill complex on Lutak Inlet including barge facilities which should affect cargo transportation in this area. “We expect to have 40 more […]

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Army explodes mortar

The Haines Sheldon Museum opened its doors to the public last week after being closed for several days after a staff member found a WWII-era Japanese mortar in its collection. Staff contacted local police who got in touch with an army explosive ordinance disposal unit out of Fairbanks. Military personnel arrived in Haines on Thursday […]

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Mysterious mortar empties museum

Sheldon Museum staff relocated after finding what may be a live mortar round in their office last week. Sheldon Museum staff relocated after finding what may be a live mortar round in their office last week. Discovery of a WWII-era Japanese 80-millimeter round led army explosives experts to advise the change in location. Military officials […]

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Committee finalizes subsidized solid waste disposal plan; assembly to review

The Haines Borough Solid Waste Working Group finalized its plan for improving solid waste disposal in Haines, which proposes a sales tax funded, borough-managed solid waste and recycling program. The plan addresses expensive disposal costs, illegal dumping, environmental and sustainability issues at Community Waste Solutions, and the lack of public refuse and recycling containers. Community Waste Solutions […]