10 years, 11/27/2014 Leaders explain support, opposition of power rate increases Haines Borough officials said this week that information that can’t be disclosed led them to vote in favor of a settlement with the Alaska Power Company to increase electric rates by 11 percent. Assembly members Mike Case, Diana Lapham and George Campbell voted to […]
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This week in history
July 1971 Non-reserved vehicles have 3-day wait now for ferry Southbound vehicle traffic on the Alaska Ferry System has built up to a point where there is now a three-day wait for passage for vehicles without reservations, local ferry officials said Tuesday. They emphasized, however, that those vehicles with reservations will leave on the day […]
This Week in History
November 2010 New start at heli-ski question Mayor appoints 9-member panel The Haines Borough’s new heli-skiing work group held its first meeting Tuesday, and members said they want to avoid the heated tone of previous discussions about the industry. “I think that this is a better way to resolve some of the issues than to try […]
Our front line rocks
A big thank you to our cruise ship volunteers for all you do as our welcome committee. You are most appreciated; Carol Duis, Michael Marks, Alan Heinrich, Jan Hill, Jean Smith, Nelle Jurgeleit-Greene, Joanne Waterman, and Diana Lapham. If you would like to be down where the fun is, please contact the Visitor Center at 766-6418. Tammy […]
Borough briefs
The Haines Borough will look into the possibility of hiring an executive assistant to the manager rather than an economic and community development director. The topic was discussed at a meeting of the assembly’s personnel committee Monday. Manager David Sosa said he was looking into the benefits of such a change and would report back to the […]
Thanks for supporting Forest Investigators
The Takshanuk Watershed Council would like to thank all those who came out to support the Chilkat Forest Investigators after-school program and enjoyed the delicious mushroom dinner! Special thanks to all those who donated desserts for the dessert auction and especially to Joanne Waterman for being a fabulous auctioneer. Funds raised will help us continue to offer […]
Thanks for help with fundraiser
We would like to thank all the people who came to the dinner and auction to support the Mackowiak family. The generosity of Haines is wonderful. We also want to thank all the people and businesses that donated the auction items. Many people helped throughout this event and we appreciate all of you. Special thanks […]
Thanks for supporting art teacher
We would like to thank everyone who donated, helped out and organized and attended the taco feed/art auction fundraiser for Linnus Danner. It was a huge success and we raised over $6,000. Thank you to Dick Haas and Lilly Boron for cooking, and to the cooking class for prep work and the amazing cookies! Thanks to Sam and Shannon […]
Public outcry prompts minor offenses reboot
After receiving a petition signed by 650 residents, the Haines Borough Assembly voted Tuesday to nullify its Sept. 22 decision to adopt the controversial minor offenses ordinance. The group voted to let the ordinance continue its movement through the public process prior to adoption. The document will come back before the assembly on April 26, 2016. In […]
Gregg beats out Lapp for assembly
It’s Tresham Gregg by a nose. Gregg beat out candidate Jerry Lapp for a Haines Borough Assembly seat by only 12 votes, according to Tuesday night’s election canvass results. The final results, which are set to be certified at the Oct. 27 assembly meeting, are Gregg, 430, and Lapp, 418. Prior to the counting of outstanding ballots at the […]