Caullen and Madison Taylor welcomed Carter Bassett Taylor on Jan. 18, 2025, in Springdale, Arkansas. Carter weighed 8lbs., 4 oz. Grandmother Tiana Perry-Traudt arrived the day after he was born. Grandfather Vince Traudt and great-grandmother Frankie Perry look forward to their visit to Haines this summer.

Haines’ state legislative delegation is hosting a virtual town hall on Saturday, Feb. 8. Sen. Jesse Kiehl and Rep. Andi Story will be available to meet with Chilkat Valley residents from 2-3 p.m. at the library. 

Greg Podsiki has a new book of illustrations called “The Alaska Side Cartoon Coloring Book.” Podsiki said it includes 56 cartoons, and is printed on quality paper with the back side of each page blank. The cartoons can be colored and are, as Podsiki described, illustrations of a humorous side of life in Southeast Alaska. Podsiki will be doing a book signing during First Friday events at at 5 p.m. Feb.7 at The Bookstore in Haines. 

About 35 people made their way to Mosquito Lake on Saturday, Jan. 25, for a youth ice fishing event hosted by Takshanuk Watershed Council, the Chilkoot Indian Association and the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, including Michael and Heidi York and 5-year-old Kawai York and 2-year-old Kanani York who got help from Fish and Game’s Alex Tugaw with weighting their lines. 
