Chilkat Indian Village is taking comments through December 22 on its plan to use $1 million in Housing and Urban Development funding to make homes in Klukwan and the Chilkat Valley healthier.

According to CIV’s environmental review document for the project, the Tribe would work with the National Renewable Energy Lab to assess and remediate health issues in up to 50 homes owned by Tribal members or other Alaska Native/Native American residents of the area. The Tribe will also do community outreach and education on healthy homes issues.

That remediation work will likely include: installing smoke and carbon monoxide alarms, inspecting and repairing electrical systems, repairing plumbing systems and heating appliances, improving ventilation, addressing fire safety and pest management, replacing or repairing broken windows and doors, making homes more accessible, and other repairs as needed, according to the environmental review. Radon will also be assessed on a site by site basis and remediated when necessary.

Most of the homes included in the project would be in Klukwan, but Haines, Mosquito Lake, Wells, Covenant Life, Mud Bay, Tanani and Lutak are also part of the project’s scope. According to the environmental review, CIV worked with the National Renewable Energy Lab on a housing survey and determined that “most homes in Klukwan do not meet health and safety standards and need immediate remediation.”

The  project is expected to take three-and-a-half years, with surveys, remediation and outreach expected to begin in about a year.

CIV published a notice of its intent to request that the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development release the funding from the “Healthy Homes Production” grant earlier this month, and set a Dec. 22 deadline for the community to comment on its environmental review document before the request is formally made on December 23. 

Housing and Urban Development recommended awarding CIV the healthy homes grant funding last January. 

CIV was one of three Alaska entities and more than a dozen organizations across the country HUD recommended funding with the Healthy Homes grant.

Written comments can be emailed to the Chilkat Indian Village at [email protected] or mailed to the Chilkat Indian Village, 32 Chilkat Ave, Haines, AK, 99827.
