In January, CVN reported that a company proposes a 120 ft. 5G tower in Haines. Now, the borough manager’s report mentions another company is interested in another 120-foot tower, possibly located near Haines High School. A vast body of scientific research examines human health effects of electromagnetic radiation (EMF) and increasingly, 5G. We might familiarize ourselves with the scientific literature — warning: it’s a can of worms deep in the weeds in a rabbit hole. One list of peer-reviewed scientific papers has 1,670 studies.

The New Hampshire Commission to Study Environmental and Health Effects of Evolving 5G Technology (2020) concluded that the FCC failed “to set exposure limits that protect against human health effects” and “have failed to support technical means and investigations aimed at reducing human exposures to electromagnetic radiation in telecommunications systems and optimize wireless modulation to reduce biological and health impacts.” U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal commented recently, “So there is really no research ongoing [by FCC]. We’re kind of flying blind here, as far as health and safety is concerned.” A D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals found the FCC’s refusal to respond to comments about environmental harm from EMF “arbitrary and capricious.” The European Environment Agency recommends a “precautionary approach” to 5G rollout. Here are sources for anyone who wants to take the dive. PowerWatch: 1,670 Scientific Papers on Electromagnetic Fields:, and

Eric Holle

Correction: This letter previously stated a company had applied for a conditional use permit (CUP) for a cell tower. The company met with borough officials to express interest in the project, but has not applied for any permit, according to manager Annette Kreitzer.
