Nicole and David Lorentz welcomed baby girl Isla Faith at 7:26 p.m. Aug. 7 at Bartlett Regional Hospital in Juneau. She was 19 inches long and weighed 6 pounds, 8.5 ounces. Nicole shared photos of her daughter on Facebook with friends and family and said, “We are so in love and couldn’t be anymore blessed.”

The Southeast Jeep Club went off-roading at Flower Mountain and 25 Mile last weekend, said member Julie Anderson. Seven jeeps from Haines, Juneau and Ketchikan made the annual trip. Southeast Jeep Club is a Facebook group with more than 230 members who organize for off-roading trips and show off their Jeeps. Julie, who joined the group about a year ago, said that Flower Mountain terrain features can’t be found anywhere else. With a two-inch lift on her vehicle, Julie said she had to park her car when the road got too rough.

A photo of Eldred Rock Lighthouse taken by local photographer Tom Ganner was published in USA Today on Aug. 7 in celebration of National Lighthouse Day. The photo was one of 51 pictures of lighthouses from across the country.

Tlingit Park Playground is receiving a fresh coat of paint this week. Judy Ewald, Joan Synder, members of Haines Woman’s Club and other volunteers have spent several days re-painting the boat, murals and Tlingit art that have faded from weather and the sun. Painting will continue through Saturday, Aug. 12. Call 766-2455 to volunteer.

Finley Edwards, in Haines from Greenville, Miss., recently celebrated his 73rd birthday at the Hotel Hasingland. Helping celebrate were his wife Ruby, and friends Annette Smith, Sam Wright, Michael Marks and Lorrie

Dudzik from Haines, Khezi and Bruria Keren from Israel, and Maor Cohen from Port Townsend. The Edwards said they have enjoyed the Southeast Alaska State Fair, fishing on the Chilkoot River, area museums, First Friday art and the beautiful weather.

John Hagen Sr. had his children and grandchildren visit this weekend. Son Michael Hagen of Seattle and daughter Heather Carlton of Juneau, along with her husband Steve Carlton and children Arlo and Theo came to Haines on their way to visit family in Tok. Along with the kids, Kathy Enright came up from Juneau to enjoy the warm weather with the family. They had a salmon picnic and went out to Chilkoot Lake to see bears.

Sue Waterhouse organized a sidewalk chalk contest for First Friday, Aug. 4. The theme was “I See the Sea.” Youths Lilly Robinson and Selby Long tied for first place and split a $50 prize. Second place went to Rio Ross-Hirsch. Adult winners were Jeff and Laurence Browne, a French couple visiting town.

Ryan Staska was in town for the Southeast Alaska State Fair last weekend and to visit his parents Ray and Connie Staska. Ryan works in Skagway for the summer as a security guard for the cruise ship docks. His sister Ranee also visited from Oregon for the fair.

Luke Hedrick came to town to visit his parents John and Bonnie Hedrick and enjoyed the festivities of the Southeast Alaska State Fair. Luke lives in Manhattan, New York and works for Google.

Benjamin Bard has family visiting from Chichago, IL. His father Stuart Bard , Lynn Orlando and sister Julia Bard are visiting this month. They watched Ben dance with the Chilkat Dancers.
