Monday, Sept. 28

A caller reported an injured bear about one mile past the ferry terminal on Lutak Road. Ferry terminal personnel and the state wildlife biologist were advised.

Several callers reported duck hunters on River Road. Police responded and advised the hunters were most likely hunting below mean high tide.

The American Bald Eagle Foundation reported what appeared to be a human skull in a load of dirt that had been delivered by a local construction company. Officers responded and initiated an investigation.

Sunday, Sept. 27

A Battle Road resident reported someone playing loud music and waking up his family. Police responded and told the person to turn down the music.

A caller reported a bear with a wounded leg on Lutak Road. Troopers and state biologists were advised.

A woman asked police to help obtain her belongings from another residence. Police told her she would need to get a writ of assistance from the court for officers to lawfully help her.

The Haines Borough reported someone stealing water on Front Street. Police responded and told the suspect they would be prosecuted if they turned on borough water again without first making arrangements with the borough.

Saturday, Sept. 26

A caller reported a man had assaulted him and “trashed” his apartment. The suspects who had been in his home were gone when he called. Police responded and interviewed all parties.

U.S Customs reported a man had been detained for possessing drugs at the border. Troopers were unavailable, so police responded and arrested a 22-year-old man for fourth-degree misconduct involving a controlled substance.

Friday, Sept. 25

A construction company reported blasting would occur near 5 Mile Haines Highway around 4 p.m. and that traffic would be stopped for about 10 minutes. Police and troopers were advised.

Two motorists reported a collision between a vehicle and a moose near 16.5 Mile Haines Highway. The vehicle was damaged but the occupants were uninjured. The callers reported the moose would need immediate dispatch because it sustained back leg injuries. Troopers responded and dispatched the moose, which was donated to a local charity.

Police performed a welfare check on a child, who turned out to be fine.

Three traffic stops resulted in warnings for speeding and pulling in front of oncoming traffic.

Thursday, Sept. 24

A woman reported a man had been stalking her for seven years, internationally as well as in Haines. Police initiated an investigation. The woman received a court protective order to be served on the man.

Two callers reported a vehicle parked the wrong way in a handicapped spot on Main Street. A very apologetic international visitor immediately paid their parking ticket at the station.

A man brought in a jacket and wallet he found on Union Street. Police determined there was no money in the wallet when it was turned in. The owner later came to the station to retrieve it, but said there had been money in it when he lost it.

Wednesday, Sept. 23

A caller reported a chimney fire on Piedad Road with smoke filling the house. Police and firefighters responded and quickly controlled the fire before it spread.

A caller asked police to perform a welfare check on a woman who missed two appointments. The manager of the residence reported the woman had just talked to him and was fine.

Tuesday, Sept. 22

A caller reported a man passed out on a bench outside a downtown bar. Police responded but the man had left.

A caller reported a person he let stay at his residence was taking things. Dispatch advised the caller to come to the station to file a report or talk to an officer.

Haines Assisted Living reported a resident died.

A man reported receiving a threatening anonymous letter about an abandoned trailer that did not belong to him. Police and troopers were advised.

A caller reported a flashing light across the Chilkat River near 6 Mile Haines Highway.
