As entertaining as it was, Diane La Course’s outhouse humor printed in last week’s CVN was truly more horrifying than funny. In this parade of the macabre surrounding the current administration’s attempts to increase revenue while touting miniscule mill rate cuts, no pursuit of happiness or self-improvement seems exempt. It also appears the definition of the term “equitable” is up for reassessment with some randomized taxpayers selected to be more “equitable” than others. We the abused have been assured that this is only the first step in a three-step process. Soon all will suffer “equitability.” This first round of valuation hikes is just a slight warming of the pot as we taxpaying toads bask in the fun of an inflated pool of water. We surely won’t notice the boil amidst the rolling turmoil of rising lodging taxes, tourism fund to general fund sleights-of-hand or PFD reductions. The subsequent sets of hikes is only to set a precedent allowing the borough to claim that comparable lots have already been raised, clicking the wrench of inflation ever tighter on the nut of a struggling economy.
