It’s tragic when profits, hormones and addiction hijack the sacred. Case in point, the Easter holiday with its deep roots in Christianity being co-opted by the sugar industry. Today, what we mostly see are the hyper-sweet trappings, and the retailers banking buck. This grotesque social manipulation renders the sacred almost unrecognizable. Yes, I’m referring to those nasty “Easter” bunnies formulated with over-sweet chocolate, unpronounceable additives, and the pure sugar “Easter” candy garbage. This year, skip the multi-day Easter Insulin Service and leave the poison on the store shelf. Your liver, and your grandchildren’s livers, will thank you.
What would Jesus say if, instead of bread, he knew we were breaking cute chocolate bunnies in his name? Maybe he does know. He’d certainly recognize the ritual animal sacrifice. However, in His day, refined sugar and white flour hadn’t been invented. Would he be indignant, or even outraged by its ungodly sweetness and the sacrifice of human health? Perhaps. Lord, hear My Easter Prayer: may all this retail metabolic poison end up in a dumpster.
Regardless of your religious persuasion, may your family enjoy a calm, wholesome, and contemplative Easter holiday. As far as my personal understanding of the Resurrection, chocolate bunnies and Easter egg-hunting are equally baffling—but a hard-boiled chicken egg is a whole food, packed with real nutrition. Your local grocer receives a powerful economic message when he/she has to landfill more of this sugary, corporate “Easter” crap.
Burl Sheldon