The assembly voted unanimously to scrap a proposed seasonal sales tax ordinance. The sales tax issue will go back to the finance committee for further discussion. Assembly member Paul Rogers called the ordinance “kind of convoluted” at Tuesday’s regular meeting. “We need more clarity on what we’re really thinking of doing and how we’re going to do it” before pushing a proposal through to voters, he said.

The assembly also voted unanimously to adopt an ordinance that separates the borough from the Haines Sheldon Museum and Cultural Center. Under the ordinance, the borough will no longer have codified authority over museum staffing practices but will maintain control of the museum building.

“The Haines Borough shall support the mission of the Haines Sheldon Museum and Cultural Center. Use of the building shall be governed by a Memorandum of Agreement,” the ordinance reads. That memorandum has yet to be drafted. The ordinance also states that the borough manager, or its designee, will hold a seat on the museum’s board as long as the building houses the museum’s collection.

In other assembly news, the assembly voted to ratify and authorize the Mayor to sign a borough manager contract with Annette Kreitzer. The contract, starting on Oct. 1, 2021, promises a salary of $130,000 per year. The contract will extend until Sept. 30, 2024, dependent on a performance evaluation nine months into the first year.

The assembly voted unanimously to create a commercial fisheries advisory board that could pass on recommendations to the assembly related to commercial fishing issues. The board will have seats for permit holders in various fisheries including gillnet, troll, pot and long line.

It passed a resolution to move ahead on phase two of the wastewater and lift station pump project at Beach Road and Skyline Drive, contracting with Chatham Electric at $81,755.

The assembly passed a resolution to authorize a $98,000 contract with Delta Western Petroleum for the Haines Harbor Petroleum Tank Replacement Project.

The assembly passed a resolution authorizing the borough manager to acquire three easements for landslide monitoring equipment.
