It was a busy week on the obstetrics and delivery floor at Bartlett Regional Hospital in Juneau. Four Haines babies were delivered between September 29 and Oct. 4, all by Dr. Nicholas D. Newbury of Juneau Obstetrics and Gynecology. 
Agnes Diana Forsberg was born Sept. 29 at 12:47 a.m. to Aaron and Janelle Forsberg. She made her surprising debut two weeks early after a quick labor. Proud big brothers Ellis, 6, and Upton, 2, are taking great care of her already.
Paul Carrington and Erica Loomis welcomed Drew Genevieve Loomis Carrington later that same day, at 3:53 p.m. She is named after Erica’s maternal grandmother. Local grandparents are Craig and Sheri Loomis. Craig shot a legal bull moose while Erica was laboring. Paternal grandparents are Dave and Kathy Carrington of Spanaway, Washington and Toni and Paul Olson of Leavenworth, Washington. Toni is visiting Haines to assist and spend time with the family.  
Siblings are Baylee Pearson, 18, Clayton Pearson, 16, and Orion Carrington, 13. 
Jenn Walsh spent 34 days in Juneau waiting to deliver Colour Sinclair Walsh, who was born at 8:31 a.m. on Oct. 1 to Walsh and Chris Downer. Big brother Azeo, 3, spent three weeks with his parents in Juneau but then Chris did a quick turnaround to Haines and dropped him off with grandma Leslee Downer and friend Candice Mustard-Scott, who have been taking care of him the last few weeks. Friends and employees Jenn Talley and Noble Anderson were both able to check on Jenn on the OB floor during their shifts. Local relatives include grandparents are Dwight and Leslee Downer and uncle John Downer. 
Jenn’s flight home was canceled due to mechanical issues. Jenn was overwhelmed with appreciation when Austin Nickerson gave up his seat on the next flight for the new mother and baby. She said, “I love this town. I am so so happy to be home.” 
After 32 days waiting in Juneau, James Willard and Hailey Wilkens welcomed a son, Atticus Gabe Willard on Oct. 4 at 11:19 p.m. Hailey’s mother, Amanda Hope, was in Juneau for the birth, visiting from her home in Port Townsend, Washington. 
Atticus has a large extended family in Haines ready to meet him including aunt Audrey Bader, uncle Zander Willard, grandmother Jen Bader, and great-grandmother Pam Coulter. 
Walsh and Loomis gave credit to the full harvest moon and Jenn reported that Dr. Newbury additionally agreed the powerful moon was a factor in the number of babies delivered last week, which well exceeded the four Haines deliveries. Erica, a nurse herself who has assisted deliveries at Sitka Community Hospital said, “It was crazy on the OB floor.”  
Tiffany Murphy was married on Oct. 3 to Cody Dahlstrom in Saint Anthony, Idaho. They had a small wedding surrounded by their closest friends and family.
Haines guests included Nancy Coleman, Kathryn Coleman, Scarlett Ann Woodfin, Danny and Lauren Willard, Kelsi Gloyer, Evangeline Willard-Hoy, Harriet Brouillette, and Tom Matthes. The couple lives in Boardman, Oregon. Tiffany is an expanded function dental assistant at a family dental practice in Hermiston, Oregon. Cody works for IBEW Inside as an wireman on various jobs including Facebook and Amazon data centers, solar fields and wind farms around Northeast Oregon.
Childhood friend Brianna Baarson was Tiffany’s wedding photographer. Brianna owns BriRose Photography and recently moved to Boise, Idaho from Minneapolis, Minnesota with her husband Matt Baarson and children, Arlo and Bodie.
The Takshanuk Watershed Council Education Coordinator, Marie Boisvert, welcomed 96 students to the Starvin’ Marvin garden for the annual carrot harvest. Students in preschool and HeadStart through fifth grade excitedly harvested 219 pounds of beautiful crisp carrots. After pulling up the carrots and removing the tops, students washed and weighed their harvest. Everyone enjoyed eating fresh carrots afterwards, as well as taking carrots home or to the classroom. More than 130 pounds of carrots were delivered to the school cafeteria, where they have already been featured on several lunch menus.
