Big gratitude to the many wonderful people who offered up their homes and vehicles and to the local businesses who provided nourishment and extended their travel services to the bands to make this year’s Fair such a success. This outpouring, in the face of adversity, speaks to the giving nature and resiliency of this community. I also want to thank all of the volunteers and tireless staff who masterfully juggled responsibilities in support of the festivities. In particular, I want to give a shout out to my right hand man, Russ Lyman, without whom it is not clear if any band would have made it to the stage.

It is also not clear that I would have been able to survive this year’s ever-evolving whirlwind if it was not for the support and love of my best friend, Mandy Ramsey. Despite having a her own booth, solo parenting, and offering yoga to fair goers on Sunday, she somehow found the energy to sustain me. Finally, in the face of travel adversity, a big thank you goes out to all of the fair goers who rallied to get here. I hope that your dance cups runneth over and it was worth the journey. It was truly my pleasure to be a part of this year’s event. Thank you all.

Scott Ramsey
