A 62-year-old woman who moved back to town last month was welcomed with a felony drug charge from the Haines Police for a crime she allegedly committed nearly two years ago.
In October 2017 the woman dropped off a package to the post office addressed to a male Haines resident who was working in Craig. A postal worker told police the woman said she was mailing CDs, but that it was “obvious CDs were not inside the package, so (the worker) alerted US Postal Inspectors,” according to court documents.
Five days later, after obtaining a warrant, postal inspectors searched the package and located a clear, white crystalline substance inside a bag of Juju Fish candy, along with a glass pipe wrapped in a paper towel. The Alaska Crime Lab confirmed the substance was about 7 grams of methamphetamine.
In his probable cause statement, officer Chris Brown said the package recipient was a “self-admitted methamphetamine user.”
Police contacted the Juneau district attorney who advised they interview the woman before pursuing charges. By that time, the woman had left Haines.
Brown wrote that when the woman returned to Haines in February, he showed her a picture of the package. “(She) said she did send the package to (the man) and it contained candy,” charging documents state. “I asked (her) about the methamphetamine inside the package and she initially said she did not know how it got into the package. I showed her a picture of the methamphetamine and the glass pipe and asked her if her fingerprints were on the items and she said they may be on the items.”
The woman admitted she sent the package at the man’s request, Brown wrote. She left town again but appeared in court telephonically Wednesday morning.