Tuesday, Feb. 26

Dispatch received a report of heavy white smoke at 9 Mile Haines Highway. A fireman was dispatched and reported a resident was burning a large brush pile.

Dispatch received a report of a possible drunk driver. The caller witnessed an individual buy an alcoholic beverage and later found a beer can discarded on the side of the road. Officers were advised.

A resident on Mathias Drive requested extra patrols near her home.

A traffic stop resulted in a verbal warning for inoperable taillights.

Monday, Feb. 25

A resident at .5 Mile Mud Bay Road reported her dogs were unsettled. She thought wolves might be in the area. Officers responded to check the area for wolves.

Police initiated a case to investigate whether a man violated his conditions of release by entering a bar Sunday.

Sunday, Feb. 24

A bartender requested assistance breaking up a fight at a downtown bar around 4 a.m. Alcohol was involved. Officers responded.

A motorist reported an unoccupied vehicle in a ditch on Small Tracts Road. Officers were unable to contact the owner.

Medication and cash were reportedly taken from a residence in the Chilkoot Subdivision. Police initiated a theft investigation.

Saturday, Feb. 23

Police arrested a 22-year-old man for misconduct involving weapons. Alcohol was involved. The man was released on $1,500 bail.

Dispatch received two calls from an intoxicated man. The first call was requesting a ride and the second was reporting a possible drunk driver. An officer was advised, but was unable to contact the individual or the vehicle.

Dispatch received a report of a strong smell of propane near 17 or 18 Mile Haines Highway. Klehini fire personnel checked the area, but found nothing.

An eagle struck the hood of a vehicle at 7 Mile Haines Highway. The eagle was able to fly to a low tree branch and did not seem to be injured. Trooper dispatch was advised.

Three traffic stops resulted in verbal warnings for speeding, malfunctioning headlight, and failure to stop at a stop sign.

Friday, Feb. 22

A caller reported receiving a fraudulent phone call from an unknown female requesting the caller turn on her computer.

An individual reported hit-and-run damage on her vehicle while it was parked on First Avenue. A case was initiated.

Thursday, Feb. 21

Police received a complaint that a customer parking at a local business was blocking the roadway, making it difficult for emergency vehicles to get through.

A phone-in alarm was received for the water plant. The water plant supervisor was alerted.

A man reported a vehicle continually driving around town with its high beams activated.

Two traffic stops resulted in verbal warnings for improper display of tags and failure to stop before entering a roadway.

Wednesday, Feb. 20

A protective order was received.

A Haines Highway business reported a theft of merchandise valued under $25.

Dispatch received 13 medical calls and seven canine calls.
