Monday, July 14
A caller reported an intoxicated woman stumbling along a Second Avenue sidewalk. The caller was afraid the woman might fall into oncoming traffic. Police responded but were unable to locate the woman.
Border patrol reported a suspicious driver heading back toward Haines after being turned away by Canada customs officials. The driver reportedly admitted to being on methadone and Percocet and was planning to get on the ferry. Police located the driver’s vehicle parked at a motel on Second Avenue. Troopers were advised.
Sunday, July 13
A caller reported fireworks on Barnett Drive. Police responded but couldn’t locate the source.
A business owner near the intersection of Old Haines Highway and West Fair Drive reported a vehicle parked on their lot without permission. An officer checked the registration but was unable to contact the vehicle’s owner.
Saturday, July 12
A caller reported a cottonwood tree about to fall down near 24 Mile Haines Highway. State road crews were advised.
A person reported a parked vehicle blocking traffic near the intersection of Main Street and Second Avenue. A citation was issued.
A business owner near the intersection of Old Haines Highway and Main Street reported unauthorized trash dumping on his property. An officer was advised.
Friday, July 11
Police served a Haines man with a six-month protective order for stalking.
Police served a woman with an order to not trespass at the home of a Lynnview Drive resident and a West Fair Drive business.
A caller reported an abandoned bear cub near .5 Mile Lutak Road. Police moved it out of the area. Wildlife troopers were advised.
A caller reported a reckless driver on Small Tracts Road. An officer responded but was unable to locate the vehicle.
Thursday, July 10
Police called in an unauthorized and unattended brush burn on Major Road. The fire department responded and doused the fire.
A caller reported a man being rude and interrupting people in the Port Chilkoot Campground area. Police couldn’t find the man, but determined his name.
A caller reported a woman trespassing at 1 Mile Mud Bay Road. The caller canceled a request for officer help after the woman left.
A ferry terminal employee reported an intoxicated man loitering in the area. Police determined the man was slightly intoxicated and waiting for the ferry.
A caller near 1 Mile Mud Bay Road asked for officer assistance regarding a domestic dispute. Police responded and found no crime had been committed.
A caller reported a dog bit someone at Tlingit Park. Police responded and determined it was a minor bite.
A man reported a fight occurred near the intersection of Second Avenue and Main Street. Police were unable to locate the involved parties.
A caller reported profanity etched onto the door at her house near the intersection of Second Avenue and Old Haines Highway. Police responded but the caller refused to pursue the complaint.
Wednesday, July 9
A caller reported a small bear cub on the beach near the Port Chilkoot Dock. Police used a siren to move the bear down the beach.
A woman reported her husband had been drinking and was now driving her vehicle in the Small Tracts Road area. Police responded, contacted both parties and determined the man wasn’t driving under the influence.
Tuesday, July 8
Deishu Drive residents reported hearing an argument coming from an apartment complex hallway. Police responded and issued a warning for disorderly conduct.
Canadian Border Patrol reported a Haines man in custody for a domestic violence protective order violation. A caller reported a girl in the Port Chilkoot Dock area where the caller had seen a respondent of a protective order driving around. Police escorted the girl home as a protective measure.