Thank you to everyone who made our recent community ice-fishing event a great success. Takshanuk Watershed Council, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Haines, Community Youth Development, and Alaska Department of Fish & Game put together a fantastic outing for local youth on Feb.16, an ‘in-service’ day at the school. Nineteen kids (and some adults, too,) joined us on a sunny day out at Mosquito Lake. Jolanta Glabek of TWC and Rosalie Loewen of BBBS organized the kids and drove the van, Rich Chapell from ADF&G drilled the holes, and handed out fishing rods and helped with tackle, Derek Poinsette of TWC had a fire going, and Al Giddings of CYD had hot drinks and snacks and a helping hand for everyone. We are happy to report that fun was had and fish were caught!

Rosalie Loewen, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Haines, and Jolanta Glabek, Takshanuk Watershed Council