Monday, March 3

      A caller reported icy conditions on Deishu Drive. Road crews were advised.

  A person reported an abandoned motor home on private property on Beach Road. Police located the owner and left an order to move it.

  A caller reported a parking violation in a handicap spot on Main Street. Police were unable to locate the vehicle.

Sunday, March 2

  A person reported a dispute between two people had spilled out of their residence onto Front Street. Police responded and told the couple to keep the noise down.

     A caller asked for information about medevac procedures and was advised to speak with the medical director at SEARHC.

    A person reported icy roads on Comstock and Allen roads. Road crews were advised.

   A caller asked why their cell service was down, but dispatch didn’t know.

   A motorist said her vehicle broke down near 13 Mile Haines Highway and would be moved the following day. Troopers were advised.  

Saturday, March 1

   Police provided an escort for a funeral procession.

       A caller reported snowmachines on the high school track. The caller expressed concern for the safety of pedestrians in the area. An officer responded but the snowmachines had left.

   A caller asked for help with a key that had broken off in the ignition of a vehicle. An officer provided a ride home.

Friday, Feb. 28

  A person asked to use the borough morgue to accommodate a funeral.

   A motel employee reported suspected child abuse. Police investigated and interviewed all parties. The investigation was referred to the Office of Children’s Services.

Thursday, Feb. 27

    A caller reported he believed a drunk driver would be leaving a downtown bar. Police determined there was no probable cause the driver was intoxicated.

    A person reported her husband hadn’t returned after being gone on a walk for six hours. Police found the man had returned home.

  Police impounded a vehicle parked in the roadway on Small Tracts Road. There was no sign of the driver in the area.

  A caller reported receiving unwanted phone calls from a family member. Police advised the caller to have the phone number blocked.

Wednesday, Feb. 26

   A caller reported icy conditions on Dalton Street and requested the street be sanded. Crews were advised.

  A caller informed police of a potential domestic violence situation regarding a relative. Police were already aware of the matter.

Tuesday, Feb. 25

  A caller reported a family member phoning and making unwelcome statements. Police advised the caller to change their phone number.

   Dispatch received 14 medical calls and four canine calls.
