Haines voters re-elected Jan Hill as Mayor and chose Brenda Josephson and Stephanie Scott to serve on the Haines Borough Assembly during Tuesday’s municipal election, according to unofficial results.

With 46 votes to be considered, the race is still too close to call between assembly candidates Sean Maidy, Diana Lapham and Michael Fullerton for the remaining seat.

Maidy has 484 votes. Lapham trails by 28 and Fullerton is behind by 30 votes.

Twenty-three of the 46 votes are absentee-by-mail ballots that were mailed out but not returned by Tuesday.

An election canvass is scheduled for the Oct. 10 regular assembly meeting where the additional votes might be counted.

More Haines voters marked their ballots for Josephson than any other candidate. Josephson received 600 votes and Scott received 551.

Assembly candidate Andrew Gray received 359 votes.

Election turnout was 47 percent with 1,060 paper ballots cast.

Josephson was home with her son when she heard the unofficial results.

“It feels great. I’m really pleased that my message rang true to so many people,” Josephson said.

Josephson said she’s looking forward to reducing government spending, addressing police response outside the townsite and seeking outside funding for the Lutak Dock project.

Scott was unavailable for comment by press time.

A total of 1,049 votes were cast in the mayoral race, 555 votes were cast for Jan Hill compared to the 485 for Joanie Wagner.

The morning after the election Hill said she’s much more relaxed than she’s been for the last few days.

“I was just getting ready to go to town and head to the office and get back to work,” Hill said. “I want to continue moving the things forward that we’re in the middle of.”

This year’s 47 percent voter turnout was higher than the last two regular elections.

Sara Chapell, Brian Clay and Anne Marie Palmieri ran unopposed for the Haines Borough school board. One open seat remains on that board.

Maidy said regardless if he wins or loses, he’ll be attending meetings and plans to run again next year.

“I’m on edge until we get an answer,” Maidy said. “I feel good that I have a good shot. I have a pretty decent margin. I hope it sticks.”

Lapham said she’s feeling “pretty good” about the race.

“I feel great that so many people came out and voted,” Lapham said.

Fullerton was unavailable for comment
