We would like to thank all those that came out to support Takshanuk Watershed Council’s garden education program at our Garden Party fund raiser this year! It was a huge success!
Special thanks to everyone who helped make this happen including the Haines Library, The Chilkat Center, Chilkoot Indian Association, Brad Ryan and Zephyr Sincerny for the pickled salmon demonstration, WOOFFER Belinda Winiger, Mark McNamara, Candice Scott, Ukulele players, and Michael Marks for bubble fun. Also, a huge thank you for all the donations and those that donated items to help support this event: Delta Western, Haines Propane, Aspen Suites -Haines and Juneau, AK Seaplanes, Skipping Stone Studios, Olerud’s/Alaska Sport Shop, Howsers IGA, Babbling Book, Mandy Ramsey, Chilkat Bakery, Haines Home Building Supply, Savanna Maidy, Wildfire Pyrotechnics (Fireworks), The Fogcutter, Bill Thomas, Barefoot Wine, and Haines Brewery.
A huge shout out to our summer interns, Dylan Chapell and Gabe Wright and the Summer Garden Club for all their help in the garden this summer! Thank you!
Jolanta Ryan, Education Director, TWC