Several years ago, a cherished elder asked me to consider serving on a borough committee, “any committee.” I applied and was appointed to the borough’s nefarious Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee (PRAC), a group of true amateurs. But thank goodness, we’re all amateurs. I mean, who’d want to live in a world run by “professional people”?
Some of my amateurish contributions to PRAC have morphed into special interests, including: helping support Alaska parks trail improvements (Battery Pt. and Seduction Pt.); trying to fund an outhouse at Mosquito Lake; planning for a quality borough park in association with the Small Boat harbor expansion; improving public recreational opportunities on the Haines waterfront; studying other municipalities and helping develop a parks ordinance that limits campfires to three feet, restricting camping (from everywhere) and identifying borough parks in code; supporting Community Youth Development program goals; cleaning up Carr’s Cove Park; asking (unsuccessfully) for the borough to retain ownership of some Main Street property for public uses 20 or 40 years from now; and listening to passionate people advocate for their recreational interests.
Generally, PRAC focuses on objectives outlined in the Haines Borough Comprehensive Plan. If you’ve got a concern about community trajectory, read the comprehensive plan available online.Current opportunities not as sweet as those you remember? I suggest getting real and going live on a borough committee. My experience working with other collegial, special, interested amateurs, just like me, has been a good one.
Burl Sheldon