I feel very sorry for the new borough manager. Moving across the

country to serve Haines is admirable. Serving our country is admirable.

However, his first act was to stop a grant to assign the funds to another

project, an obvious ignorance of the function of grants.

How do you not know how grants work? The next thing was wanting

security glass in the borough office. How do you not know how small

towns work? The next thing was saying “you people” when referring

to the people who live in the town he supposedly represents.

I will happily donate to the funds to ship him back to “his people.” I

really do feel bad about that. It might be expensive, but this position is

worth getting right. Don’t blame Tom Morphet for pointing all that out.

Tom has sat through many boring meetings on your behalf, the exact

reason that drove him to run for office. Please do not recall him just

because he is paying attention.

Jenny St. Hilaire

Seattle, Wash.
