The borough manager works for the entire community of Haines.

His actions should be non-partisan and neutral. His act of threatening

an employer of no work in Haines so long as long-time resident

Gershon Cohen works for them is way out of line. Aside from the other

disputes and criticisms of the manager’s performance, this act alone

is inexcusable.

Cohen has likely done more to preserve the quality of our pristine

waters in Southeast Alaska than anyone I know. The complaint about

cruise ship companies finding fault with him is short-sighted and

unfair. Guarding against pollution by the cruise ship industry benefits

everyone in Southeast, especially those in the fishing, pleasure craft,

and water tours businesses.

All that aside, any borough employee who would single out a local

resident, whatever their political persuasion, for retribution, doesn’t

deserve to work here.

James Axel Wilson
