The CVN’s Dec. 22 wrap-up of 2016 was interesting to read but I’d
like to point out that KHNS, in fact, did not dodge state budget cuts – we
have lost 50 percent of our state grant over the last two years. From
an annual grant of $133,000 in 2015, we received $109,000 in 2016
and then $75,000 for FY17. For the first time in many years, KHNS
is in a position where we barely qualify for our federal grant due to
criteria that we receive a minimum of $300,000 from sources other
than the federal government. We are fortunate to have a strong and
loyal membership, but given our situation, it is even more critical that
information about KHNS be rigorously accurate. Thanks for including
us in the story and I am always available to fact check!
Kay Clements, General Manager, KHNS