During the Jan. 10 assembly meeting, we voted on a resolution

to designate funds for “upland development” of the harbor project. I

supported the resolution because I had promised my fellow assembly

members who proposed this resolution I would do so. But during

discussion on Tuesday, I was rude and obnoxious to my fellow assembly

members, Heather Lende and to Tresham Gregg. I’m ashamed of my

attitude and I’ve apologized to them, and everyone at the meeting. I

was reacting to the comments from some members of the public that this

compromise will somehow deteriorate harbor expansion project. I’ve

been an ardent advocate of this project and gaining the support from a

majority of the assembly – and community — to move ahead has taken

careful conversation and hard fought compromise. Designating money

for uplands development will not affect that, but it will show that this

assembly listened to many sides of the harbor issue. Unfortunately, my

words and attitude Tuesday night only emboldened personal attacks

on my fellow assembly members. Free and open criticism and critique

of government officials is what makes us accountable to the public we

serve. But maintaining civility is just as important to our health as a


Margaret Friedenauer, assembly member
