The Haines School sixth grade UNICEF fundraiser dinner and dessert auction was a great success, and little orange Trick-or-Treat boxes from fourth, fifth and sixth graders are still coming in. We will have a final tally pretty soon, but we have taken in over $1,600 so far.

Considering $50 can provide 35 malnourished children with good nutrition for a day; $15 can provide a child with clean, safe water for a year; and $5 can provide 13 doses of measles vaccine, that is a big boost.

The students feel great about helping kids near and far who have so much less than we do because of war, earthquakes and hurricanes, widespread poverty, and other misfortune. Thank you so much for all of you who came to the dinner; contributed or bought desserts; decorated, cooked, served, and cleaned; collected or donated through Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF; and to Howsers IGA and Olerud’s, who contributed to the groceries to keep our costs down.

Thank you, especially, to Jacob Weerasinghe, who chaired the event, Nora Prisciandaro and Jacob, who baked the homemade bread, Susan Weerasinghe, who supervised the kitchen all day, Brandie Stickler and Dick Haas in the school kitchen for being accommodating, and to all sixth graders who gave of their time on a Saturday so other children could have a better life. Thank you, Haines.

Patty Brown
