I would like to publicly thank the Haines Borough Police Department and the officers who responded when I needed them. These men put their lives on the line to keep this community safe. In an abstract sense, one may think that perhaps cutting the number of officers down is not a bad idea. Then the moment comes when you find yourself in dire need of immediate help and suddenly you realize the ludicrousness of that idea. The fact is, cutting down the number of officers will perhaps save some money in the beginning. However, it will not lower the need that this community has,and it will only cause the officers remaining to stretch themselves as much as they need to attempt to still fill that need, regardless of the danger to their own health, safety and family. Our police department does an amazing job of protecting this community and is rarely thanked for it. In fact, lately it seems that they have been made the enemy. I want to be someone who ends that cycle of abuse and say that I appreciate them and their willingness to serve.

Rebekah McCoy
