The harbor expansion project is a blatant example of government waste. This project is so poorly conceived, designed and funded, only a government could come up with such a ridiculous plan. Here is why this plan is ridiculous:

1)Harbor Expansion is not needed. Nice, but not needed.

2)The plan is not a harbor expansion, but rather, a major waterfront redevelopment project. As such it requires considerable public input, planning commission consideration, conformance to the Comprehensive Plan, and a long term funding plan. None of these has occurred.

3)This plan obligates the taxpayers with an immediate $40,000 per year maintenance expense increase with no way to increase harbor income.

4)The existing harbor does not get dredged.

5)No improvement to sport ramps in any way.

6)This plan calls for filling four acres of uplands for no stated purpose.

7)Elimination of a public park with no input from the Public or Planning Commission.

8)The creation of an ugly steel wave barrier. UGH!

Only a government would spend $20,000,000 and deliver NO services, but a $40,000 per year expense increase. No one would do this with their money. To do something this stupid it takes a government spending someone else’s money-YOURS! We need to redesign this project so that the project services a much broader spectrum of the community. Of course it’s really fun to spend $20,000,000 of someone else’s money, let’s get something great and useful out of the $20,000,000. It really cost $2,700,000 to design this terrible plan?

Fred Einspruch
