Monday, July 25
A person reported being harassed by an apartment complex maintenance worker on Second Avenue.
A business owner reported someone deposited an unknown substance in their fuel tank while it was parked on Second Avenue.
Sunday, July 24
An FAA Road business owner reported someone had destroyed one of their planters on the Port Chilkoot Dock. Police initiated a case.
A person reported a power outage in the townsite. The caller was advised the outage was due to a hydro pump problem in Skagway and the power would return shortly.
Police and the Haines Volunteer Fire Department assisted troopers with a vehicle accident near 8 Mile Haines Highway. A 21-year-old woman was arrested for driving under the influence and lodged at the Haines jail.
Saturday, July 23
Police served three subpoenas on Haines residents.
The Klehini Volunteer Fire Department responded to a report of an unauthorized controlled burn near 26 Mile Haines Highway.
Friday, July 22
An officer responded to a report of a hit-and-run in the Fort Seward area.
Thursday, July 21
A caller reported a teenager passed out on the roadside on Second Avenue. Police responded but were unable to locate the teenager.
A bank employee reported receiving counterfeit currency from a customer. The currency was confiscated and turned in to the proper agency.
Wednesday, July 20
A caller reported vehicles speeding through a 25 mph zone on Third Avenue. Officers were advised.
A caller reported a break-in on Mud Bay Road. Nothing was taken but there was some damage to property. An officer was advised.
Tuesday, July 19
A hiker on Battery Point trail reported someone had started a campfire while the burn ban was in effect. State Parks was advised.