Kee Heywood is credited as an editor of the micro-documentary film, “The Search for Earth Proxima,” by Speculative Films. The film, which documents NASA’s search for other habitable planets similar to Earth using the Hepler telescope, has been featured on the websites of Scientific American, The Atlantic and Wired since its release a week ago. Besides “trimming, trimming, trimming the fat,” as he put it, Kee’s role was shaping the story, creating cinematic montages and selecting the footage from NASA’s archives, said mom Liz Heywood of Haines. Kee did all the editing and some of the graphics work, she said. See the 10-minute movie at
Heidi Robichaud is a grandmother. Daughter-in-law Bethany Robichaud gave birth to Claire Rose Robichaud at Juneau’s Birthing Center June 19. Heidi’s son Elm Robichaud is the baby’s father. A photo of Claire stretched out on a patch of grass next to a longer sockeye salmon has been getting accumulating “likes” on Facebook, Heidi said. Mom and Dad live in Gustavus.
Bob Stokley, a former Haines police officer and harbormaster, died July 16. He was 69 and most recently had been living in Lovell, Wyo. No service was planned.
Over $1,000 was raised by the Golf for Good Scramble at the Haines Valley of the Eagles Golf Links Saturday, said Kathy Pardee Jones. Nineteen golfers participated in the tournament. The proceeds went to the Uglys’ Haines Community Cancer Connection, a fund that offers financial assistance to local cancer patients. In past years, the golf course held the event to raise money for the Susan G. Komen organization, said Pam Sloper, who works for Southeast Alaska Regional Health Consortium’s breast and surgical health program. But this year, she and Kathy decided to keep the money in town. Kathy’s cancer doctor, Dr. Elbert Kuo, a chief thoracic surgeon at the Banner MD Anderson Cancer Centers in Arizona, golfed and spoke at the event. Elbert, wife Celeste, son Tyler, and daughter Karissa were in town visiting Kathy.
Bill Thomas donated over 20 sockeye salmon to the Haines Senior Center recently. John Hagen Sr. volunteered to fillet the fish, which were made into salmon burgers. The center is always looking for fish donations, as its nutritional guidelines include weekly servings of fish. Even just a few fish is “huge,” site manager Cindy Jackson said. Jackson also reminds residents 60 years and over that they may qualify to receive $25 in Haines Farmers Market vouchers. Contact the Senior Center to learn more.
Renee Hoffman threw a surprise 50th anniversary party for parents Candy and Jim Hebert of Fort Myers, Fla. The party took place Monday at Sunshine Farm. Renee’s sisters Rachelle Hebert of Fort Myers, Jeanine and husband Kevin Meyers of Hanalei, Hawaii, and Gayna and husband Jon Herd of Fort Worth, Texas, were also in on the secret and came to Haines for the surprise.
