Monday, Dec. 3
A caller reported a verbal altercation between two, two-person parties walking on Small Tracts Road. An officer responded, but the two groups had already gone separate ways. The officer contacted all involved individuals.
Police received a complaint from a downtown business owner regarding a possible break-in at the business. Police are investigating, but believe the issue is a a civil matter between a landlord and tenant.
Sunday, Dec. 2
An officer reported a vehicle parked in the middle of Second Avenue. The owner said he left the car there because he thought it could not make it up Young Road. The owner moved the vehicle.
Saturday, Dec. 1
A caller reported the phone lines on Dolphin Street were not working. Dispatch alerted Alaska Power and Telephone.
A caller requested information about a census employee working in the area. The caller had been contacted at their residence on Deishu Drive by a person claiming to be a census employee. Police confirmed the person was conducting census work.
Police received a report of a five-gallon gasoline spill at Third Avenue and Haines Highway. An officer and a Delta Western employee responded and cleaned the spill.
Police received a report of a chimney fire in the Fort Seward area. Firefighters responded within six minutes and were on-scene for three minutes, as the fire was pretty much extinguished upon their arrival.
A caller reported their vehicle was not working and would be parked in the post office parking lot until Monday.
Friday, Nov. 30
A caller requested police check on a vehicle parked in an Oslund Drive driveway with its door ajar. Police contacted the owner, who reported the door was broken and would be fixed.
Thursday, Nov. 29
Several people inquired about helping a homeless man currently sleeping in a tent on the beach along Beach Road. Police had already offered assistance to the man, including transportation to a Juneau shelter, but the man refused. The man told police he has a place to stay in Skagway and receives money monthly. Police said they would continue to monitor the man’s needs, but said it was his choice to live in a tent.
A caller in Sitka requested a security check on his vehicle, which was parked in the ferry terminal lot. Police responded and confirmed the vehicle was locked.
A traffic stop on Union Street resulted in the arrest of a man for driving under the influence. The vehicle was observed sliding across the road for several blocks, driving through a stop sign, and running into a ditch. Field sobriety tests were performed and a breathalyzer was administered. The man was released on his own recognizance.
A caller requested police patrol Cemetery Hill as she had just heard a gunshot. Police patrolled the area and did not find anything suspicious or hear further sounds of gunshot.
Loud music was reported at a Dusty Trails apartment around 11 p.m. Police responded and the music was turned down.
A chimney fire was reported on Piedad Road. Fire volunteers responded in less than five minutes and extinguished the fire. Responders advised the chimney was very hot and that the caller should watch it carefully.
Wednesday, Nov. 28
A caller reported hearing someone enter her home on Mathias Avenue. Police responded and performed a walkthrough of the residence but found no evidence of intruders.
The expected death of an elderly female in hospice care was reported.
Tuesday, Nov. 27
A caller reported his juvenile daughter had left home for a friend’s house following an argument. He sought help getting his daughter to return home. Police responded, but the girl had already returned home.
Dispatch received 10 medical calls and three canine calls.