A long overdue “thank you” to the entire Haines Borough. This community will step up and support extracurricular school activities faster than a hummingbird on PCP. One more fundraising spaghetti dinner and the FBI might start investigating our Cosa Nostra connections. Speaking for girls’ basketball program, I would like to thank those whose laminated names are proudly displayed on the booster board in the gym. Between actual donations, dessert auctions, and my uncanny ability to guess people’s weight, the team was able to raise much needed monies to help defray travel expenditures. Of specific note, I would like to thank Thor’s for donating the grand prize for our annual Pink Game fund raising raffle. The girls were able to donate $1,000 to the Haines Cancer Travel Fund.

Game travel would not have been possible without the understanding and support of the school board. They get it! Being a member of a sports team cultivates growth possibilities beyond the classroom. In addition to the obvious fitness benefits, team members develop leadership skills, self-esteem, work ethic, commitment and teamwork. Additionally, team members represent a positive portrayal of the community.

Each girl realizes the burden of economic challenge facing our community and specifically the school district. Glacier Bears basketball is an earned privilege and is not taken for granted. There is no sense of entitlement. The entire team sincerely appreciates those who support them both monetarily and via game attendance.

Gregg Brittenham
