Monday, March 23

A pedestrian walking near Second Avenue reported being charged by one of two moose in the area. The caller was concerned as the moose were headed toward the school. The school was notified about moose in the area, and an officer patrolled the general area but was not able to locate the moose. The wildlife trooper was also advised.

An out-of-town caller sought help locating a family coming to Haines. The call was transferred to Alaska State Troopers.

A resident living on Comstock reported four-wheelers speeding in the area. An officer was advised.

A caller reported a door ajar at a building on Main Street. An officer was advised.

A caller reported an argument at Second Avenue between two men, one of whom was apparently intoxicated. An officer responded and spoke with the caller. The other man had left the area and the officer met with him.

A business owner reported the alarm for his business on Main Street was inadvertently triggered by an employee.

Sunday, March 22

An employee of the landfill called to report someone had driven around the gates at the landfill. An officer met with the employee, who had determined the person had been given permission to be on the property.

A caller reported a person yelling very loudly near the medical clinic on First Avenue. An officer made contact with the person. The person thought the clinic was open and was trying to obtain his prescription medication. The officer was able to calm the person and advised the clinic would be open tomorrow. The person’s need for medication was not life threatening.

Dispatch received a call from the Freeride World Tour event personnel requesting to have the on-call doctor call them. Dispatch relayed the message to the doctor.

Saturday, March 21

A 911 call was received from a guest at a local motel reporting loud guests were keeping him from sleeping. He was advised to call the motel’s front desk.

A caller reported that a shop building on Chilkat State Park Road was fully engulfed in flames. Troopers and the Haines Volunteer Fire Department were notified and responded.

An officer discovered a vehicle in a ditch near 1 Mile Haines Highway. No one was in the vehicle. An attempt was made to locate the owner but no contact could be made.

A caller reported that she heard fireworks in the Fort Seward or Beach Road area. An officer patrolled the area and found all was quiet.

A resident of the Fort Seward area reported receiving harassing phone calls from a drunk person. An officer spoke with the complainant.

A Juneau resident who owns property on Main Street reported that his building had been vandalized. An officer responded and a case was initiated for criminal mischief.

A resident at 2 Mile Haines Highway requested assistance getting into her home because she had locked herself out. An officer responded and was able to get the door unlocked.

Multiple callers reported an emotionally disturbed person screaming while walking down the street and another reported that the same person had grabbed him by the arms and shook him. An officer responded, located the person and took the person home.

Multiple reports of large explosions near 7.5 Mile Haines Highway were received. An officer responded to the area, but was not able to find anyone. The officer found the remnants of exploding targets in the area.

Friday, March 20

An alarm was reported at a business on Main Street. An officer responded, checked the perimeter and interior and found no evidence of a break-in.

A caller reported concern for the safety of a drunk pedestrian on Mud Bay Road. An officer responded and helped move the person to safety.

Thursday, March 19

A resident called for information regarding his daughter operating an ATV in the townsite. He was advised she must have a valid driver’s license and was referred to the borough’s website for further information and maps of borough roads.

Several callers in the Lutak area reported hearing fireworks. An officer was advised.

Wednesday, March 18

A caller from Palmer requested information on the status of a protective order she had issued in Palmer on which the respondent was a person from Haines. The caller was advised to contact the Palmer police department regarding the protective order.

A caller reported a smoke alarm sounding in a nearby business on Main Street near Fourth Avenue. An officer responded, but did not find evidence of fire or smoke. The responsible party for the building was contacted and was able to turn off the alarm.

Tuesday, March 17

A resident turned in prescription medication and a signed check found in garbage tossed out near a home at the end of Mud Bay Road. The items and a report were forwarded to the state troopers.

A civil packet was received for service on a Haines resident.
